At long last, some photos of the house. Naked, but you can imagine it furnished! As soon as our furniture gets here, I'll post again, but don't hold your breath, it'll be awhile! We did get a dining room table that I'm in love with (and begging the kids not to immediately destroy.) Finally my old table will by my sewing table so I'm not moving things all over trying to fit it all on one desk! On the downside, there goes my excuse! And the Man Cave will get a table too- never thought I'd own 3 dining room tables. weird.
This is the view from the loft area upstairs that will be the play room/reading room (depending on the consciousness of the beans.) I found some awesome papasan like chairs at the BX here that are working out great in there! They double as reading chairs, or veterinary stables for wounded ponies. I love, love, love this window. I'll try to get a photo looking out- I see a farm and beautiful cows that way!
This is from in the loft looking back towards the bedrooms and the stairs. The exposed beams in this house give it so much warmth and character. The Germans are anti-carpet and so many of the houses we saw were tile everywhere, I felt like I was in a giant bathroom. I'm loving the wood here!
This will hopefully be the nursery some day in the not too distant future. No- we don't need one yet, but it's on the menu. It's a small room, but it'll fit a shrank (wardrobe) and a crib just fine!
This is the girls' room. So much light! Which is generally a good thing, except for long summer days. My better half rigged up some curtains for me so they'd stop showing up at 6 am and telling me at 9pm, "but it's light out!" They'll have twin beds on either side of the windows. I really wanted to do bunk beds here, but full height wall space is at a premium, so if they want a closet, the bunk beds have to go. (German houses rarely come with closets built in. You buy a wardrobe to put your things in.)
This is a view from the main floor of the stairs. By German standards these stair are very, very wide! Read: our bed should fit up there! (Assuming it ever gets here...) And the kids are still enjoying going up and down, up and down, up and down... The downstairs leads to the laundry room and 3 more rooms (guest bed, storage and man cave.) The Man is very excited about the Man Cave. It's small, but he's been cleared hot for a little Mt Dew fridge and to lock himself in now and again. You know, when he gets that glazed, no more glitter pony princess time look ;) Or to study, whatever.
This is my kitchen, again by German standards, quite large! We now have a "whole" fridge as well. Apparently they go shopping every 15 minutes here because the fridges are tiny and there was no freezer. "For what?" Luckily we get to borrow one for the duration of our stay because we need a freezer!
This is looking out my front door through the mudroom. Love the Secret Garden-ness of this place! Tonight as I made dinner the girls ran around outside making a fairy garden. love it.
Lovely view of the throne, eh? I put this one in to show the tile work in the bathrooms. I really like it! We saw so, so many 70's green palm tree tiles in our house hunting trips. yikes.
This is my PANTRY! Yes, I'm yelling. This is so unheard of. Funny, it has a doo hickey on it to turn the light on when you open the door. Cool, right? Only if you notice it. I spent the better part of 20 minutes trying to find a light switch to turn off the light!
This is the living/dining room area as seen from the kitchen. The window are so large here I rarely turn on any lights during the day.
This is a little better shot of the view from the windows.
Okay, can you tell I'm obsessed with this view? I just love it! And now I have my swank coffee maker
and can make my own latte and read a book on the porch. happiness.
This is looking out the other way. That's a walnut tree out the right side. Did you know, that when you look up how to harvest walnuts it says something about wearing gloves so as not to stain your fingers? Turns out that should be adhered to. Stinking husks are light, they deceive you! Took me days to get my nails just not embarrassing.
Last one of the patio, promise! I love this green. You can smell it. My yard smells green. And occasionally like cows, but I've come to like that smell. Didn't see that one coming. And rotting apples. Something so deliciously summer about that smell. I'll take a photo of the apple tree- it is burdened with apples. It looks like a woman 2 days before she goes into labor, just trying to breath. I eat like 5 apples a day (they're small) and the bounty doesn't look dented. My cup runneth over! with apples ;)
This is the view from the loft area upstairs that will be the play room/reading room (depending on the consciousness of the beans.) I found some awesome papasan like chairs at the BX here that are working out great in there! They double as reading chairs, or veterinary stables for wounded ponies. I love, love, love this window. I'll try to get a photo looking out- I see a farm and beautiful cows that way!
This is from in the loft looking back towards the bedrooms and the stairs. The exposed beams in this house give it so much warmth and character. The Germans are anti-carpet and so many of the houses we saw were tile everywhere, I felt like I was in a giant bathroom. I'm loving the wood here!
This will hopefully be the nursery some day in the not too distant future. No- we don't need one yet, but it's on the menu. It's a small room, but it'll fit a shrank (wardrobe) and a crib just fine!
This is the girls' room. So much light! Which is generally a good thing, except for long summer days. My better half rigged up some curtains for me so they'd stop showing up at 6 am and telling me at 9pm, "but it's light out!" They'll have twin beds on either side of the windows. I really wanted to do bunk beds here, but full height wall space is at a premium, so if they want a closet, the bunk beds have to go. (German houses rarely come with closets built in. You buy a wardrobe to put your things in.)
This is a view from the main floor of the stairs. By German standards these stair are very, very wide! Read: our bed should fit up there! (Assuming it ever gets here...) And the kids are still enjoying going up and down, up and down, up and down... The downstairs leads to the laundry room and 3 more rooms (guest bed, storage and man cave.) The Man is very excited about the Man Cave. It's small, but he's been cleared hot for a little Mt Dew fridge and to lock himself in now and again. You know, when he gets that glazed, no more glitter pony princess time look ;) Or to study, whatever.
This is my kitchen, again by German standards, quite large! We now have a "whole" fridge as well. Apparently they go shopping every 15 minutes here because the fridges are tiny and there was no freezer. "For what?" Luckily we get to borrow one for the duration of our stay because we need a freezer!
This is looking out my front door through the mudroom. Love the Secret Garden-ness of this place! Tonight as I made dinner the girls ran around outside making a fairy garden. love it.
Lovely view of the throne, eh? I put this one in to show the tile work in the bathrooms. I really like it! We saw so, so many 70's green palm tree tiles in our house hunting trips. yikes.
This is my PANTRY! Yes, I'm yelling. This is so unheard of. Funny, it has a doo hickey on it to turn the light on when you open the door. Cool, right? Only if you notice it. I spent the better part of 20 minutes trying to find a light switch to turn off the light!
This is the living/dining room area as seen from the kitchen. The window are so large here I rarely turn on any lights during the day.
This is a little better shot of the view from the windows.
Okay, can you tell I'm obsessed with this view? I just love it! And now I have my swank coffee maker
This is looking out the other way. That's a walnut tree out the right side. Did you know, that when you look up how to harvest walnuts it says something about wearing gloves so as not to stain your fingers? Turns out that should be adhered to. Stinking husks are light, they deceive you! Took me days to get my nails just not embarrassing.
Last one of the patio, promise! I love this green. You can smell it. My yard smells green. And occasionally like cows, but I've come to like that smell. Didn't see that one coming. And rotting apples. Something so deliciously summer about that smell. I'll take a photo of the apple tree- it is burdened with apples. It looks like a woman 2 days before she goes into labor, just trying to breath. I eat like 5 apples a day (they're small) and the bounty doesn't look dented. My cup runneth over! with apples ;)